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Remote Working in Cuba

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Cuba is famous for its cigars, and well known for its old cars. It has a reputation for being a Communist country in a bit of a time warp but a recent trip to Cuba belied this image.

Cuba has an intriguing history of revolution and evolution, heavily influenced by the American embargo and the leadership of Fidel Castro.

Music and dancing are everywhere, even at roadside stops. The salsa rhythms are infectious; the mojitos delicious. Finding a cane farm named Australia was endearing.

Entrepreneurship is being encouraged. Local families are letting out their homes and rooms for tourist accommodation. It is a great way to meet locals, get a glimpse into their daily lives and to enjoy some local hospitality.

Wifi is readily available in Cuba, where they refer to it as “wiffy”, although it can be a bit patchy. You can readily identify where the wiffy connection is good by the groups of people clustered together on steps and outside hotels, heads bowed, all intent on their phones.

Unfortunately, neither Google nor Xero was supported in Cuba ie. unable to be accessed. Apparently, visitors to China experience the same situation. We have since been recommended ExpressVPN as a workaround to get through the Google firewall. Apparently, you can sign up for a month.

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