Bernadine Oosthuizen - Remote Online Bookkeeper
What do you love about bookkeeping?
Bookkeeping is black or white, it’s either right or it’s not which makes it really easy to measure success. I love the challenge of sorting a mess of meaningless figures into useable reports that can provide real insight to business owners to help them understand how their businesses are performing and clearly see whether they are on track to meeting their business and personal wealth goals.
How did you get to work at SWAG?
I was looking for a way to earn some ‘fun money’ while using my knowledge to help others. I had considered starting up a bookkeeping business of my own but felt it might have been too big of a commitment to fit around our already full lives so a quick Google search led me to the SWAG Bookkeeping website, and the rest is history.
Tell us what you like to do in your spare time.
My spare time is filled with ferrying kids around to various activities, catching up with friends and working our macadamia orchard. I love a good movie, am always surrounded by music and love to bake (and eat)!